When you say Phablet phones you are not talking correct English, but you are talking perfectly understandable telecommunications speak. Phablet phones are devices that combine the functions of a telephone with the size and features of a tablet. Thus the two words were put together to create the unheard of Phablet phones.
Phablet phones have been designed so the user has full functions of a telephone and all of the other multimedia devices they would like to use. These devices are gaming computers, and they are entertainment centers, as well as video recorders, and cameras. They are the ultimate in smart phones and they employ all of the latest technology.
These devices are actually smaller than the average tablet and yet they are much bigger than the average cell phone. Many of the items have software installed on them so the features like sketching and note taking are advanced beyond what they would be on a smart phone.
They are much more advanced than the original mobile device we used to call our friends or to send a text message. When people have one of these items they literally have the ability to do any work that they could do on a laptop or desk top computer. They can type papers, research information, access files that are stored in other locations, and video conference with clients. They have the ability to do their jobs without having to be tied to a desk or inside an office.
There are currently as many as twenty five million of these type devices being used. It has been estimated that the number of devices being used will increase to closer to sixty million during 2013 and by 2016 will have reached an astonishing one hundred and forty six million users.
Dell is considered to be the first to manufacturer one of these units when they introduced their device called the Streak in 2010. The Streak had a five inch display at a time in history when the average smart phone had a three inch display screen. It was a gamble to create the larger device when so many people seemed to want smaller versions, but it was a gamble that paid off nicely and created a new direction for the mobile devices.
Now the majority of all cell phone manufacturers are either producing one of these units or they are in the process of designing one of them.