Posted by : Unknown Sunday, March 31, 2013

Having access to correct information or a recommendation is required before you can make the right choice from the available options of media players on the market. With respect to user reviews, here are some details on 5 popular brands, and these will help you to determine the type that suits your requirements.
Real Player
With the Real Player, you can easily download or buy songs through several portable media gadgets such as MP3 and iPods. The media interface makes it easy to manage your songs on an iPod. To a great extent, it could be a good substitute for iTunes.
• It comes with video and audio playback
• It can be used to record online clips.
• It can burn and rip CDs.
• It comes with in-built radio access to more than 3000 radio stations.
• It can also be used to trim and edit audio/video clips.
Media Player
The Media Player comes with the playback characteristics of the old Windows Media Player. It has codecs that can handle different kinds of media playback. It is a very portable, manageable, and free video player. You can use it on a computer or a laptop that does not have the codec that is needed to play the type of video you may like to watch. However, it may sometimes be in conflict with other codecs on your PC.
QQ Player
This player provides you with excellent multimedia playback such that it can play over 50 formats of video and audio files. You can use it to take screenshots of videos. Also, you can use it for converting and extracting video files, merging several video clips into one, and splitting a long video file into a number of shorter clips.
VLC Player
This player is developed with open source codes and it has compatibility with over 10 operating systems. Its special functionality includes:
• It can playback your encrypted DVD on a Linux system.
• It can play a damaged or an incomplete video clip.
• It can play several video formats that other players don't support.
Therefore, you can play a media file that is not fully downloaded from the web; you wouldn't need to repair your damaged videos.
Windows Media Player
Obviously, it's the most popular brand. In addition to the common music and video playback features, you can use it to view pictures/images in a slideshow. More so, it can be used to burn and rip CDs. It can also synchronise with other portable media gadgets.
With one or more of these media players, you can enjoy unlimited fun with your favourite songs or movies. As the case may be, they offer excellent sound effects and high picture quality.

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