Posted by : Unknown Thursday, March 14, 2013

Certain information is extremely confidential, and cannot be disclosed to anyone else. This includes things like classified national data, trade secrets, financial records and personal information. All businesses possess these materials and have a critical duty to keep them completely private.

Information like this occasionally must be permanently erased. This is because it may be taking up space, causing a mess, or maybe even because of industry law. But remember that the data must be discarded securely due to its sensitive nature. You must ensure that the information never leaves your possession, even when it's going into the rubbish.

Getting rid of your sensitive papers shouldn't be too much of a challenge. At least if you've got a shredder. Cross-cut and micro-cut shredders are the best for destroying the pages while offering you the utmost piece of mind by slicing and dicing them into very small pieces and strips, but even a regular strip-cut shredder will cut them into narrow strips.

If you don't have your own shredder, or if you have too many documents to sit there feeding through one all day, you can hire a private company to manage your classified waste. You could even use fire to dispose of these pages but you would need to do this in a responsible manner.

Don't forget about your computer files either. Security is just as important on your computer as it is on your paper records. Did you know that there are people who can still find previously deleted files on a hard drive they retrieve? Even if you bypassed the recycle bin, you can still have a retrievable ghost file remaining. You can use one of the following methods to compensate.

You have varying approaches for how you want to go about wasting the drives safely. You can digitally erase your storage medium, or destroy it, or both. This will be the more sure-fire way to keep the records safe.

ITo make sure experts can't salvage content from electronic components, you can use physical "shredding" on digital information: causing maximum damage to the memory cards, CDs or hard drives is the key. You want to make sure that all data surfaces of disk drives are eroded with plenty of abrasion, and that you drill holes through the most important sectors in as many places as possible, and see to it that they are thoroughly smashed or broken.

If you have a digital shredder, which is important for companies which need to destroy electronic information frequently, you can use it to eradicate all the contents on digital storage mediums like hard drives, by ruining their magnetic components and dismantling their structure. This is an excellent way to expunge all sensitive electronic data contained on hard drives, memory cards etc. Ultimately, nobody's secrets will ever wind up in the waste.

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