Posted by : Unknown Sunday, April 28, 2013

A lot of Internet marketers find themselves in a quandary. They are doing all the so-called rules in generating targeted traffic, but still they do not get the desired results. The answer to that could be very simple: you are committing the following mistakes:

1. You do not get your market correctly. Everything begins with a good hindsight on your target market. Who are the people you are trying to promote to? Unless you obtain the answer to this question, all your marketing efforts are completely useless. To top it off, you are wasting a lot of money. 

It takes some time to truly determine your market. In fact, you need to research about it extensively. Nevertheless, this is mandatory if you want to increase your chances of succeeding in online marketing. 

2. You use several tools. Okay, this is not completely wrong. However, the tools themselves are not the most important things. What is essential is the value they bring to your time and business. The tools must be able to help you find the right target market. Unless your target market is using LinkedIn, you can skip it altogether. 

3. You do not keep track. Just because you are experiencing an increase in Alexa ranking does not signify you are doing very well with driving traffic. The most important question is, are you converting these leads to customers? Analytics therefore is very important. Alexa ranking can go high and still not increase your profits 

4. You ignore competition. True, with regard to online marketing, your primary focus needs to be your own business. However, you will not learn where you stand if you also ignore your competitors. As a matter of fact, you can receive several great pointers from them. You can take hints from their own online marketing efforts then improve them for the good of yours. You in addition have to be conscious of those below because they can, at any time, take your place. 5. You do not draw people in. Landing pages can only do so much. To finally convert them, you need to entice them perhaps through incentives like freebies. 

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