Posted by : Unknown Friday, April 5, 2013

If you're a web designer or planning on entering this line of work, there are a few things that you must keep in mind before you proceed. As you know, the first impression is the best impression and therefore your client's website needs to be perfect.
Make use of all the space you've got
Yes, your website shouldn't look too cluttered; but at the same time, there shouldn't be a lot of white space either. Therefore, the best thing that you could do is make use of text, images and maybe even videos to fill up the available space.
As long as you use the right padding and font size, the webpage won't look too cluttered no matter how much content you place on it. Usually, the content isn't going to be your problem as you're just designing the site the way your client wants it.
Responsive design is needed today
You need to make sure that the website you design is responsive so that it looks good on all screen sizes. If you don't want to create a responsive site you must at least create special mobile versions as today most users browse the web on their phones and the initial steps towards a business deal also take place through their phones.
Beware of broken links
Well, this may not be your problem, but if you want to be a good web designer you need to make sure that the website you put up is perfect and has no flaws whatsoever. Therefore, make sure that all the links on the site are in a good working condition and don't lead to 404 errors as this could be harmful for the site.
Navigation must look good and be easy to use
The navigation menu should be good and easy to use. There are various ways to do this, so choose the way that would be most suitable to use. Usually an overhead header menu works best, but some sites would prefer a sidebar menu too.
Site Search
One of the most important factors of a site that some web designers tend to forget about is a site search option. You need to make sure that this feature is available as a lot of people use it, even though it may seem insignificant.
Use Google web fonts
If you're looking for a cool font for your website, it would be advisable to use Google web fonts as they have a wide collection and they work best.

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