Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It looks like 2013 is going to be a big year for gamers. With the release a few months ago of the Wii U, Sony and Microsoft are highly likely to release the successors to their current consoles, the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. At this point the respective titles are PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720. These are of course unofficial and will likely change upon their reveal. This years E3 is going to be huge with the anticipation of what these companies are going to be showing. With both Sony and Microsoft fairly evenly matched, it will be interesting to see how the new consoles compare and which one will be the superior one. Here are a few points to consider with the imminent release of these new machines.
Launch Titles
Having a decent amount of launch titles is important for a successful launch. There is nothing worse than getting a gamers attention with a new console, but having little to choose from when they buy it. If you come out of the gate strong then gamers will be satisfied.
Price Point
Microsoft had the edge on this one last launch. Sony placed a $600 price tag on their console which was far pricier then the cost of the new 360 from Microsoft. Hopefully Sony has learned the lesson from the initial PS3 release and will make a much wiser choice this time around.
A great advertising campaign is critical to a launch of this size, and hopefully both companies will take the time to do it right. This will of course utilize television, the internet and social media, and consistent store advertising. Both companies should do a good job at showing the technology of their machines and how they will integrate into the consumers lives. Both companies last time around attempted to make a console that would become a central media hub in your home that would allow you to do more than just play games. While it can be argued at how successfully they accomplished this, this next generation should improve on this, while still staying true to the original purpose which is to make a great gaming machine.
So now all we can do is wait as we only have a few short months to wait for what is going to be a great year for all console gamers. We will just have to make do with our current consoles in the meantime.

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