Posted by : Unknown Monday, April 8, 2013

There are different themes when it comes to video games and people love pretty much different things. With scary themed games, you will need to be ready for a bit more tension; both in your senses and in the game. There are some scary games that will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat and some which you will dare not play at night when you are alone.
One of the scariest video games ever is Clock Tower. This is a game that has its origin in Japan and was really designed for the initial PlayStation. Scissorman is the villain in this game and you need to escape from him as much as possible. As the name suggests, you will find yourself in a scary castle where the villain will be out seeking you. You will be busy looking for clues to escape from him now and again whereas he will be out to get to you. There are some versions which have been made even with more tension and they have nightmares woven into the plot. This, no doubt is one of the games that you will play while continually holding on to your breath; for fear.
The other game that has been considered very scary is Resident Evil. The plot of the game revolves around military personnel who are confronted by the problem of zombies staying somewhere in a scary mansion. What even makes the game a real plot of tensions and chest-gripping fear is the fact that there is little weaponry for you. This means that there are decisions which have to be made precisely and fast just so that you maximise on the limited arsenal at your disposal.
Fatal Frame II has been touted as being the scariest video game by many quarters. The player takes the role of a village girl, Mio Amakura who has the disadvantage of confronting ghosts. You will have the power of exorcism over these ghosts should you be in possession of an antique camera so that they do not ruin you. However, the real tension is brought about by the fact that the films you use in the camera have powers which are not of the same capacity. You will only get to know whether the film was effective in keeping the ghost away or not once you flash it on the enemy. You will be holding on to your breath during the entire game, definitely.
There are indeed more games that have been touted as making it to the scary list; but what can be considered most scary to a person may really not be that much creepy to the next. However, one thing that stands out with such scary games is the fact that they add lots of tension to the game; the desire to escape from imminent danger. The setting of the game is also very important in creating a scary game. Imagine being alone in the castle, running to reach the castle door, all the while worrying where the ghost is!

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