Posted by : Unknown Friday, April 12, 2013

After installing Windows 8 on your system you must be on a look out for something that will provide you with more excitement, like the latest available apps. While there are numerous apps available for download in the Windows store you may like to consider 8 such apps that are chosen as the best and the most popular. Most of the listed apps are available free while few apps are paid. These apps are such fun to use that would not mind shelling out a little amount for downloading.
If you are looking for one access app to your social accounts and picture sharing interface then IFlip Toast is the one for you. This app allows a user to get in touch with Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts in one go. You can easily update status and tweet using this app and even view pictures in Instagram.
Google Search
Even after a lot of recommendations by Microsoft for using Bing as the primary search engine, you may still want to consider Google. You are familiar with the interface and the add-ons that have a lot to offer. Additionally as soon as the new version of Windows was launched the app for Google too was made available immediately. The one touch access and the highly interactive UI are impressive.
Hulu Plus
Hulu Plus is an interesting app that enables in launching and pre-view media in the Start menu. All you need to do is sign into the app and you will be able to access all the favorite movies and shows from Start menu. Now you need not individually go to the media to access it. The interface of this app is easy to use as you will find it similar to the web, swipe and browse to get a preview.
If you already have an account with Netfix then it would be easier for you to browse through collections of movies and launch them. Additionally you will be able to segregate and view top picks according to your collection. Interestingly you can view your favorite show right from where you left the last time you watched it.
TuneIn Radio
We all enjoy listening to live music and the best option it seems to have is listening to radio, well, there is yet another option, TuneIn. This app is available for iOS and Android device users alike. The best thing is that this app is supportive of Windows 8. Launch the app on your Windows 8 enabled system and start looking for the available stations on internet or radio.
Fresh Paint
Creating your very own masterpiece painting is an amazing experience. Download Fresh Paint, a program similar to paint but with enhanced and additional tools to enable creating a painting with myriad colors. It is more like a coloring book and the UI is so easy to work with that even a kid can handle it.
If you are a frequent traveler and traveling more by flight then it becomes essential for you to know about the weather in advance. Prior to booking flight tickets you can find out the weather prediction through WeatherBug. This app gives you the latest forecast for any given location and a complete weather information.
Virtual Game
Visual racing is something that is best played on your Xbox but what if you get the same thrill on your Windows 8 system too. This is possible with Hydro Thunder Hurricane priced at $9.99. This game is created by Xbox creators, complete with gaming controllers and USB connect you can enjoy it on your device. Enjoy the experience of playing an app gaming on your Windows 8 interface.
All the above given apps are available on Windows store for free except Hydro Thunder Hurricane priced at $9.99. You can easily use and download these apps on your mobile device or on your system and enjoy.

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