Posted by : Unknown Thursday, April 11, 2013

Content management systems have made the web development process more flexible and easier. That is why these systems are now extensively used by the developers. With the help of CMS, editing, modifying, publishing and maintaining content has become a hassle free task. Further, CMS also helps in the proper management of workflow in a collaborative environment. It enables developers to present information on websites in a neat, organized manner. CMS is not just beneficial for developers, but is equally helpful for the clients too.
Whether it is an individual looking for a simple CMS application for his business or a notably large enterprise looking for a CMS application with complex and powerful features, content management systems cater to the specific requirements of the clients. Besides this, there are several other reasons for a client to go for open source web development. But, there are four key reasons that impel any individual or company to go for open source CMS customization. Let's have a look at those reasons.
Powerful Built-in Features
Most of the open source CMS, especially the PHP based ones, come with lots of built-in features. Though the range of features varies from one system to another, there are few features that are common to all CMS. However, there are few CMS that are notable for building enterprise systems and are incorporated with more complex features. In any case, the built-in features are one of the key factors as to why companies should select open source CMS.
Another big reason to go for open source CMS is the extensibility that it provides. With the help of proficient CMS customization services, you can get extensible web applications that can be modified as per your requirements. It means that as your business expands, so does your web applications. They can be modified and can be customized with the needed features while maintaining their robustness.
Plethora of Add-ons
Most of the content management systems have lots of extensions and plug-ins, and the plethora of extensions enable people to amplify the performance of the web applications by integrating their apps with extra functionalities. By hiring CMS customization services, companies can augment the functions of a web app while sustaining the actual look and feel of the app.
Efficient Management
Website management is one of the key concerns of site owners. After the site has been built, a site owner needs to monitor the site frequently as it may require appropriate changes. While other web application frameworks make it tough for the owners to make even slight changes to the content, content management systems empowers site owners to make necessary changes to the content of their site as and when needed.
Besides the above-mentioned reasons, the ever-active community and class support of the CMS also play key roles in making it preferable for web development. If you want to take full advantage of CMS platforms, then hire open source developers from reputed offshore web development companies. Hiring developers from offshore companies would reduce your overall development cost.

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